Dancing Art Workshops

WHAT ARE DANCING ART WORKSHOPS?  I created Dancing Art Workshops in 2010 as the Owner/Director of Children’s Dance Place, in response to seeing movement come alive for children who were exposed to the artwork of famous artists introduced in class.  What evolved were active and colorful collaborations between movement and visual art, using renowned artists as the theme for each workshop.

FEATURED ARTISTS IN DANCING ART WORKSHOPS  The following artists have been featured in Dancing Art Workshops: Alexander Calder, Andy Goldsworthy, Georgia O’Keeffe, Henry Moore, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Jackson Pollock.

WHERE ARE DANCING ART WORKSHOPS?  Dancing Art Workshops have been presented at Denver schools including Art Students League of Denver, Children’s Dance Place, The Denver Waldorf School, Logan School for Creative Learning, Challenge School, Laundrolab, Between the Bones Studio Collective, and the Yoga and Rolf Integration Studio in Golden, Colorado.

ORIGINS OF DANCING ART WORKSHOPS  I first saw an interesting relationship between art and movement as a student, myself, pursuing a Bachelor of  Fine Art at Colorado College.  Painting, drypoint, drawing…all were intensely physical experiences for me, and the work I produced was just as much a physical journey as it was a visual one.  Equally striking was the experience of dancing in technique class and having visual images unfold in my mind as I moved.

My moving artist…and my painting dancer…both found a voice when I chose to pursue a masters degree in Somatic Psychology; Dance/Movement Therapy at Naropa University.

The Dancing Art Workshops that I teach today are a fusion of my travels through art, dance and body-centered psychotherapy.  I have the feeling that I am only beginning to discover the life-expanding potential that Dancing Art can provide, and I look forward to unearthing more gems with you!