Dancing Skeleton Woman

The Tale of Skeleton Woman describes the life of a lonely skeleton who lay dormant under the sea for many years, until a fisherman hooked her bones on his fishing line, and brought her to the surface…and back to life.  In this Dancing Art Workshop, we use the metaphor of unearthing forgotten selves to coax our own hidden talents into view.  Our Skeleton Woman workshop is designed to transform your confidence and skills in accessing your creativity, bringing your true self to the stage and to life!  Workshop includes process painting, journal-making, movement invention, and dance-making.  This workshop will be taught by Heather Brooke and Neisha Remaily-Silva, and is intended for students ages 8-12.

Dancing Skeleton Woman:  A Dancing Art Workshop for Ages 8-12

Dates:  September 15th and 16th, 2012

Days:  Saturday and Sunday

Time:  1pm to 4pm both days

Cost:  $100 + $10 materials fee

Location:  Pearl Street Studio, 2126 Pearl Street, Boulder 80302

Contact:  To register, contact Heather at 303-562-6245